White-Blue Teen and Girls Bedroom Interior Design and Decorating Concept
Small, Medium & Large: Three-in-One Interior Door Design

ThreeStyle adds a humble but critical twist to the typical contemporary door – nothing too off-the-wall in terms of its aesthetic, but novel in its approach on a more fundamental level. Simple metal handles sit on wood-paneled frames which, in turn, stack neatly within one another like nesting dolls or something out of Alice’s Wonderland. While it is not their only offering, SlamDoors Ltd.’s line of modular doors is led by this innovative new approach to a design object as old as the idea of dwelling itself.
Flying ‘Air Cruise’ Ship: Luxury Living by Land, Sea & Sky

Mobile living is no longer just for land lovers, and floating mini-cities are no longer just a vision for the open oceans or high seas – why not blend the best aspects of portable homes, cruise ships and air trips into a single stylish and sustainable airship designed to fly, float, drift or drive anywhere the wind blows?
See-Through Walls: 4 Clever Modern Sliding Door Designs

Sold-wood interior door solutions can make for great space and sound dividers, but sometimes it is nice to let some light, air and visibility between adjacent rooms rather than cut them off completely from one another. For people who prefer there art to be part of active design, this provides an integrated interior concept without having to buy artworks or learn how to build display niches in your walls.

Semi-transparent, wood-framed, sliding screen doors from Raydor are much like the classic rice-paper ones of Japan, these models come with a bit of a twist: each individual door has a design, but moving them creates layered 3D patterns out of flat 2D door frames – ever-changing compositions as they slide back and forth in front of one another. A crafty DIYer could probably even make their own variants.

Sliding doors can be sleek, simple, and space-saving divider systems if swings get in your way and decorative hinges are not quite your style. These door designs in particular are made for balancing an elegant contemporary look with a classic style of craft, transforming opaque walls into translucent moving works of modern art.
Unique Door Design From Empty Bottles Bear

It’s a unique door design by Johnsen Schmaling Architects, this artistic door was made from recycled empty beer bottles. Each door measures 9’-6’ wide and 9’ tall and consist of a welded aluminum frame and 1,590 bottles. Using CNC technology, the bottles are held in place by a thin web of precision-milled neoprene rings that are suspended between the members of the aluminum frame. Illuminated on all sides, the brown bottles emanate a warm amber glow reflected in the polished concrete floor. It’s a creative decoration ideas if you looking something different for your space, with the similar technique you can also create space divider or walls from empty beer bottles.
Modern Minimalist House with Arched Metal Roof Design

Modern Minimalist House with Arched Metal Roof Design is one of the best modern house design, this house design with modern and minimalist style. This house located near Seattle. With a roof design that is high enough then the effect that the house became larger than its original size. The materials are also those that architects use in contemporary house construction: concrete, steel, plaster and wood.
The main part of the house has two storeys with blackened steel panels and an arched metal roof. Inside the structure, heavy timber meets a cement-based walls coated with veneer plaster. The house is heated with hydronic coils in the floors and is cooled passively through locally manufactured windows, doors and ceiling fans. And, here it is the best sample modern minimalist house design photos by Schuchart/Dow Architects as your home design ideas.[Schuchart/Dow]
Best Roof Design For House

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Fabrics of Versailles
I am just fresh off of a trip to Paris, France and it was lovely. While there we ventured out to Versailles, home of King Louis XIV and the seat of the absolute monarchy from 1682 through1789.
I was so taken with the bright fabrics that were used throughout the chalet (the primary building), Grand Trianon and Petit Trianon (Marie Antoinette’s quarters), that I thought I would share them with you. The artistry of the fabrics and tapestries was beyond imagination. Here I share with you what I so loved seeing in person.
This was the bedchamber of The Empress Marie Louise. However the bed was Napoleon’s bed in the Tuileries Palace and the one in which his successor Louis XVIII, Louis XVI’s brother, died in 1825, before finally being brought here for the last occupant of the room, Queen Marie-Amelie, King Louis-Phillippe’s wife. Look at the sumptuousness of the bedding and all the draping around the bed. Do you know of anyone with a gold headboard like that? Or a gold headboard period? Maybe Donald Trump?
I loved this color combination and how bright the fabric was. Look at the tassles! The tassles alone really impressed me!
Beautiful! Again, the tassles were a piece of art. I believe this was from the bedchamber of the Queen of the Belgians.
Louis XIV’s bedchambers. Sorry…out of focus!
The top of his bedchamber. Notice the feather plumes on the four corners of his bed.
From Louis-Philippe’s family room. Beautiful shades of yellow and blue on this side chair.
I believe this was a wallpaper. Rich, vibrant colors.
This was one of my favorite materials, if not my favorite. The sheen of the blue and the wheat-green and white makes this so dainty and feminine, but classic at the same time. I would purchase this material for my home and definitely find a place for it.
Another room lined with beautiful wallpaper or material… I cannot tell which.
This was one of my favorite fabrics. Unfortunately I did not take this picture in focus! :)
Many of the rooms were color thematic. Here they copied the circle pattern onto the chair seats.
Here damask wall paper lines the room in an evergreen that works beautifully with all the gilting in the room.
Look at the tapestry of this stool. It’s just beautiful, don’t you think? To imagine this kind of craftwork in the 1800’s is amazing.
This is the stool from the side. These bead tassles were intriguing to me, so I had to reach over the rope and touch one of them (heaven forbid!). I got a quick scolding from the docent! Shame on me!
One of the rugs. Lovely.
More wallpaper or fabric covered walls. Gorgeous.
The magnificence of these tassles is unparalled.
The Dauphine’s Bedchamber. Silks were hung in the room while carved oak was placed on the lower part of the wall. The bed’s fabrics are decorated with motifs of foliage and medallions produced in petit point needlework. The needlework on the headboard depicts the sheep of the shepherd Edymion.
More beautiful stools in rich, vibrant colors.
I love the lemony vanilla color of this room with the light blue accent.
Apartments of the Dauphine… the Dauphine’s Library. The colors in this room were also fascinating to me.
Hope you enjoyed! Au revoir!
Love is patient, Love is kind,
It does not envy, it does not boast,
It is not proud, It is not rude,
It is not self-seeking,
It is not easily angered,
It keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil,
but rejoices with the truth.
Love always protects, always trusts,
always hopes, always perseveres.
Love bears all things, believes all things,
hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never ends.
Love never fails.
- Corinthians 13:4-8